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Choosing a New Air Conditioner: Why Size Matters?


Due to current trends in our climate, air conditioning, which was once considered a luxury, has become a necessity. For the average family looking for ways to beat the heat, a functional AC is a godsend.

The average lifespan of an AC is 10-15 years in the coastal regions of Corpus Christi. An old or damaged system can do more harm than good. It will use more energy (causing your energy bill to skyrocket), need frequent repairs, and could possibly start a fire. With summer just around the corner, there couldn’t be a better time to replace your old AC.

Why Size Matters While Choosing a New Air Conditioner?

One of the most important things to consider when buying an AC is its size. Your AC should meet your home’s cooling needs. There are several problems associated with an improperly sized AC.

Undersized ACs

An undersized AC will be unable to keep up with the cooling demands of your household. It will work harder and longer to achieve your desired temperature, causing your electric bill to shoot up.

An undersized unit will struggle to cool your living spaces. The extra wear and tear will cut short your system’s service life. You will also end up spending more on the repair.

Oversized ACs 

When it comes to choosing an AC, bigger is not better. In the coastal region of Corpus Christi, an oversized AC will run until it satisfies the temperature requirement, but not long enough to remove the humidity, which will make your home feel sticky.  71 Degrees will feel like 75 and your papers will get damp.  This is not a good situation.

It also causes your system to short cycle, because although the air has reached the temperature set point, the humidity causes the house to heat up more quickly, which in turn causes the system to turn off and on more quickly than intended.

Short cycling can cause various problems affecting your comfort. It accelerates wear and tear, which means your system will break down frequently. An oversized unit will usually have a dramatically shorter lifespan than a properly sized system.

Benefits of the Right-Size AC 

The right-size AC will save you money. You will spend less on repairs. The right-size AC will not have to run constantly to achieve your set temperature and will properly remove the humidity in your home. With proper care and maintenance, your system will serve you well for several years.

Finding the Right-Size AC 

Your contractor can help you find the right-size AC. A Manual J Load calculation can be performed on your house to assess your home’s heating and cooling needs accurately.

A Manual J Load calculation considers the characteristics of your home, such as building materials, the type and quality of insulation you have, number and type of doors and windows, position of the walls relative to north, and square footage.

Want to get your AC serviced in Corpus Christi? Look no further than Henderson AC It is one of the most trusted AC companies in Corpus Christi. We are your go-to team for AC repairs, maintenance, installation, and replacement. We are committed to helping our customers make informed decisions. Need help choosing the right HVAC system in Corpus Christi? Call 361-438-0353.


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